To whom it may concern,
How would you feel if you were struggling from month to month on a limited budget and others were making money off of your idea? From the figurine you see above to things like Angry Orchard Hard Cider. How do they know the orchard is angry? They make actual tree faces to hang on trees everywhere and Disney comes out with a character called "Groot"! No one sees the fact that I have been writing The Tales of the Tree People since 2006? Bull! My books were sent to Disney and Pixar years ago. What on earth is taking so long? I am a single mother of two. I make less than nine hundred dollars a month and have to sign that I am disabled like others can't see the value of my work. I will be speaking with Disney in the future and most likely some other companies. My family needs the money. They have many needs that just aren't being met. It is so painful as a single mother to have to deal with all of this. According to my contracts, they must speak with me for film and merchandise rights. This is really bad timing because I just got a divorce and my babies need the money. My grandmother died and my mother is recovering from the same cancer that took my sister's life. I'm praying God will help me with all of the stress. Someone screwed up somewhere and I am paying for it. This has got to stop and change for the better. My life and the lives of my family members have been directly affected by someone else's lack of intelligence. I need to get busy contacting these companies. I'm thinking I am probably going to need to contact some attorneys. I am writing this post in hope that someone might be able to help because Authors deserve better treatment. If you know someone please contact me below...
Lori E. Mazzola
Maiden name Lori E. Toler
I am the Poet and Authoress of Tales of the Tree People "To tree or not to tree?", Tales of the Tree People: The Forbidden Forest, Tales of the Tree People: Tree Wars Quest for Peace, The Lori Story and Professional Parenting.