My mother who is recovering on Chemotherapy due to the same Cancer that took my sister's life, unwittingly sold my beloved birds for forty dollars. She was trying to help lighten the load by contacting someone to purchase them. When I found out how much they sold for my heart dropped. They cost more than that to purchase them to begin with. I worked all summer in the heat, flipping water out of their pools after shoveling their coupe. It was a tough year and not all of the birds made it. Two Guinea hens drowned in the pools. One Toulouse Goose was found dead. Though the ones that did were sold for the price listed above. There were a breeding pair of Turkeys. There were five chickens, two Rhode Island Reds, and three White Leghorns. There were two Geese, one Toulouse, and one Chinese. There were two Ducks, one Roven, one Peking. Their names were Tut, Cleo, Salt, Pepper, Larry, Moe, Curly, Daffy and Donald. The women left with my birds before the selling price was disclosed to me. Their feathers aside from the meat, and the fact that they were income making birds is depressing. They were egg layers within the first year. The woman basically stole the birds from an old grandmother recovering from Cancer. My mother did not realize they were worth far more than that. She feels bad about it and so do I. The children loved the birds and went to visit them out in the coupe. They were sweet, friendly birds. I would like to know if someone can help me recover the money that is due or the birds. This is the number the woman gave my mom. I don't know if it is a real name or not. I am sure my mother did not realize they were worth more than that. I didn't know how much they sold for until after the other woman left with my birds. I feel as though I have been stolen from because I know they were worth more than forty dollars. Again if you can help my family and I would greatly appreciate it. I have been depressed and busy since it happened this is the first chance I've had to do something about it. Here is the number of the woman who took my birds at an unreasonable price. The name she gave my mother is Jennifer at... (559)779-2325. If you have any information or can help my family. Please help because it was such hard work and it is hard to believe she got away with all of those income making birds for forty dollars. Thank you for your time. Below are some pictures of them and our little adopted farm dog Lucy who went missing slightly before the birds. Again if you have any information or can help. My family and I will appreciate it greatly. They were fully grown when sold. God bless you and please keep our family in your prayers. Times have been really hard and this is for the birds...