Though I have a hard time eating Taco Bell because my ex-husband and I met there. I do occasionally anyway. It is one of the healthier fast food places to eat.
I went to one of their locations the other day and grabbed a sauce packet out of the bag upon receiving my food. Here is a picture of the sauce packet...

In my book Professional Parenting I discuss favorites and why they shouldn't exist. If you have a bunch of kids and you tell one they are your favorite, you are a bad parent. Stating something like, "My favorite color is blue" is silly because without the other colors, how would you know? You need them all to know what a color is. If a teacher has a pet, all the other students will be jealous. So in reality having favorites causes problems.
What are the chances of a former employer of mine writing something like that on a sauce packet?
Think of all the people they are subliminally affecting both in their ability to write, and their values.
The sauce packet says, "I knew I was your favorite". I don't have favorites. If they could read they would know. I already addressed that topic. Not only is it written in past tense. It isn't punctuated entirely properly. They did punctuate the word "fire" though if it is read correctly inside the building someone could be arrested. Not to mention the chaos that could ensue.
So someone gets paid to think of what to say on the sauce packets that can't punctuate properly. They are also suspicious due to the fact that they write in past tense while assuming the taste of the reader and affecting them subliminally.
If I were one of those evil people who play favorites and I'm not. How would they know if the sauce stopped being a favorite to someone? Is it okay to suggest that favorites are okay? I already stated I don't play those like some people do.
When addressing the past tense issue, what do they mean "I was"? The silly sauce packet isn't even open yet. They are all the same packets amongst the fire sauce except the wording. Unless of course you switch from "fire" to "mild". In which case the packets look different and are labeled differently. Even then there are duplicates amongst sauces. How could someone have a favorite amongst the same sauce? Are they really talking about the sauce? I am an Authoress now, though I used to work there. I must say I am displeased with the fact that they write on their packets assuming what others think while subliminally affecting them. I wrote about assuming but do you think they read? It is obvious they aren't very good at it or it would show in their writing.
Their words go against my work as an Authoress and former employee. They should be thankful one of their former employees went on to be an Authoress. They should be supportive and encouraging instead of deliberately writing things to antagonize while affecting good judgement subliminally.
Encouraging favorites is so wrong. Even if it seems harmless it is subliminally teaching bad values and improper grammar. God is no respecter of persons. He loves them all equally and unconditionally. Though some think otherwise.
It seems like some sneaky employee read my book and did it on purpose. I am not typically for suing people though I would love to sue them. It doesn't just affect my family and I it affects humanity as a whole. It suggests that such behavior is okay.
It is as if they wrote what they wrote just to go against what I had said in my book Professional Parenting about "favorites". The damage is done subliminally to all kinds of people. Needless to say I think Taco Bell could use a new writer.